A small addition to our Plugin SDK: it is now possible to retrieve the number of blocks currently used inside a record via the ctx.blocksAnalysis
The information is exposed in every hook related to records editing, namely Field extensions, Sidebar panels, and Form outlets:
import React from 'react';import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';import { connect, RenderItemFormOutletCtx } from 'datocms-plugin-sdk';connect({itemFormOutlets(model, ctx) {return [{ id: 'myOutlet' }];},renderItemFormOutlet(outletId, ctx) {const {blocksAnalysis: {usage: {/** Total number of blocks present in form state */total,/** Total number of blocks present in non-localized fields */nonLocalized,/** Total number of blocks present in localized fields, per locale */perLocale,},/** Maximum number of blocks per item */maximumPerItem,},} = ctx;// render the outlet here},});