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Community templates

Discover the projects created by the community. They are not officially supported by DatoCMS, but they can be a great source of inspiration to kickstart your next project.

Want to create your own starter project? Learn how to do that in our documentation!

Nuxt.js Blog

A Simple starter blog built with Nuxt.js, DatoCMS and Bulma CSS framework

SvelteKit Blog

A simple blog template built with SvelteKit and DatoCMS

Photography Portfolio

A minimalistic photography portfolio website created with Next.js 13 (appDir), Tailwind and TypeScript, with typed GraphQL queries

Next.js Blog

A simple blog template built with Next.js and DatoCMS. Offers real-time updates of draft content in Preview Mode, SEO/Readability Analysis of blog posts, and more

Remix Blog

This is a DatoCMS + Remix example template. Get started by clicking on the install button

Gatsby Blog

A simple Gatsby blog template website built with DatoCMS, featuring Structured Text content

Astro Blog

A Simple template blog built with Astro and DatoCMS

Next.js multilingual blog with DatoCMS Site Search

Simple multi-language blog built with Next.js and DatoCMS, with real-time updates in Preview Mode

Ecommerce with Gatsby

Simple Gatsby ecommerce template for socks made with Gatsby, Snipcart and DatoCMS

Next.js Ecommerce template

Next.js ecommerce template made with Snipcart and DatoCMS. A simple example of the power of these technologies combined

React Ecommerce template

React ecommerce template made with React, Snipcart and DatoCMS. A simple example of the power of these technologies combined

Landing page template

Get started right now with DatoCMS landing page template. Cloning this project, you will get a Github repo template, and a project on DatoCMS

Next.js Event Coverage Liveblog

A virtual event starter built with Next.js and DatoCMS with real-time updates

Vue.js profile card

Simple Vue.js personal profile card website built with Tailwind CSS framework that fetches content from DatoCMS using Axios

Hugo template portfolio

Start your Hugo project with this ready-made Hugo template. One click install

Next.js Virtual Event Starter Kit

This Next.js starter template was used to run the Next.js Conf 2020, with 40,000 live attendees

Next.js and Preact Blog

A simple blog created with DatoCMS and Next.js Preact