
DatoCMS Security

Our internal security policy

Objectives of the ISMS (Information Security Management System)

The information security policy aims to:

  • ensure that the organisation's activities take information security into consideration right from their design;
  • ensure that all staff, internal and external, are aware and informed of their responsibilities regarding information security;
  • define roles and responsibilities regarding the security of information and associated assets;
  • guarantee that in terms of access to information everyone should be authorised, identified and consistent with one's access rights;
  • strengthen the awareness of all people and entities who access the information assets;
  • implement security controls effectively and efficiently;
  • monitor and promptly recognize events, threats, vulnerabilities and incidents;
  • improve organizational compliance.

The principles detailed in this document are functional to the full implementation of the Information Security Management System and the pursuit of the objectives described.

Management process

In order to guarantee the continuous improvement of the ISMS, DatoCMS adopts the PDCA methodology:

  • Plan: planning and definition of requirements and needs in terms of information security, identification of roles and responsibilities, the necessary detailed documentary apparatus is determined;
  • Do: implementation of what was planned through the implementation of controls and the defined documentary apparatus, consistently with the risk analysis;
  • Check: verification of the effectiveness of the system;
  • Act: continuous improvement of the Information Security Management System, to ensure that the measures implemented are always in line with company requirements.

Resources to protect

The resources to be protected are the following:

  • all information generated, processed, stored, verbalized and recorded by DatoCMS; in all forms, places and means of processing and storage;
  • physical and digital environments for information and communication systems;
  • data storage media.


The contents and elements described in this document apply within the entire organizational structure and to the parties that provide information processing and/or processing services.


The issuing of this policy is the responsibility of the Top Management. All stakeholders must take responsibility for the management, quality, continuity and security of information. This document, together with all the documented information produced for its full and specific application, acts as internal regulations for the management of information and, as such, must be observed by employees in compliance with their obligations of diligence pursuant to the Italian law, art. 2104 c.c. This information security policy is communicated to all internal and external staff. The responsibilities of the ISMS in detail are contained in the Manual.


Any change to this document or to any of its operational or documentary applications may be reported by all staff to their contact person or directly to the Information Security Management System Manager (RSGSI).

The methods of proposing changes will be consistent with the documentation management process.

Review and development

This policy must be reviewed and updated on an annual basis to ensure:

  • alignment with the “best practice" of sector;
  • compliance with regulatory, legal and contractual changes.

The review of this policy must be carried out, even in the event of substantial changes to the organization need of a coherent update of the SGSI or in the presence of changes in the relevant regulations.


The Organization and Top Management verify the effectiveness and efficiency of this policy on an annual basis, ensuring corresponding adaptation to organizational objectives.

Information security awareness and training

The Organization prepares periodic courses on information security for staff, collaborators and third-party users based on the role held. An information security awareness program aims to make the entire Organization aware of its responsibilities regarding information security and the means by which these responsibilities are implemented. Information security risks must be monitored and managed periodically according to information security classification and standards. These risks must be managed in accordance with the ISO CEI 27001:2014 standard.

Additional details

In this document we are going to analyze how DatoCMS works, what are the main security choices that we've taken and what are our main security policies in the company.


Our hard infrastructure is made of servers running our main application and its ancillary services plus a global network of delivery that moves the data from DatoCMS to its final destination.

Data centers

Our application run on the best data centers in the world, all of them ensure compliance with the most known industry standards:

  • ISO 27001
  • SOC 1 and SOC 2

Physical security of the data centers is also certified at various levels by all the data centers we use.

Data centers guarantee 24/7 security guard services, intrusion detection systems and stringent policies for personnel access. Only the minimal number of people are allowed in the data centers and their actions are routinely audited.

All the data centers have also backup battery and generators to provide energy in case of black out.

Risk of fire has been reduced with automatic fire detection and suppression equipment.

All our servers are based in European Union, in Ireland in particular.


All our servers and services are protected by firewalls that let traffic through explicitely allowed ports and protocols. Even applications on the same host cannot communicate via localhost, to further improve network separation from other virtual machines.

Our global CDN provides DDoS mitigation techniques to spread the load across the globe and minimise the impact of those attacks.

Automatic Web Application Firewalls are enabled in front of our applications, to prevent the most common attacks to be performed. In particular the top 10 OWASP vulnerabilities are always tested plus a set of custom dynamic rules are enforced to maximise the protection while adding less than 1ms of latency.

Every connection to our service and in between services is encrypted using TLS. This guarantees that all the traffic securely traverse our services and reach our users without being snooped or compromised.

We enforce a network rate limit to prevent malicious actors to degrade performance across different accounts and guarantee a good performance to everyone.

More details

Read more about the security policies of the infrastructure providers that we use:


Our web servers are running in self contained environments, with isolate processes, memory, and file system. We are using standard Heroku dynos, more details on their dyno page.


To process the payments we use Stripe and Chargebee. Both of them are PCI compliant for encrypting and processing credit card payments. We don't handle directly any credit card detail.


Every change made in the production environment has previously passed a set of automated tests and we routinely do manual testing to ensure that the application has a consistent and expected behaviour.

We have warnings in place from our continuous integration system about logical errors and also coding style violations, which helps us maintain a quality code base, which means that is clean and more secure.

Routinely we upgrade dependencies in order to keep our development processes as up to date as possible while bringing on all the security fixes that the tools implement.

Third parties

We interact with many third parties that are useful for various parts of the application. In every case we give access to the minimal set of information that we need to give them and for every third party we use a unique password/access token. In doing this we try to minimise the risk of one system being compromised and having access to everything else.

We make sure that every third party that we use is as careful as we are on security.


All the data is encrypted in transit with TLS, both internally between services and externally when reaching the users.

All our database data are encrypted at rest. We retain database backups for up to a week.

If you delete your project we delete all data from the live database immediately but we'll retain copies in our backups that are not accessible from the live system.

The user passwords are hashed using Bcrypt and then stored in our database.

What the users can do to protect their account

We provide Single Sign-On capabilites using SAML via Okta and OneLogin. This allows Enterprise users to safely provision and deprovision users while doing their usual workflow. We also allow group/role management integrated with the SSO providers.

2 Factor Authentication is available for everyone, adding a layer of security to prevent unintended access to someone's account. On a project basis you can enforce collaborators to have 2FA enabled, to prevent one compromised password to gain access to an entire project.

Passwords have a minimum complexity level that have to be matched. In particular we ask our users to have at least a lowercase letter, uppercase letter, a number and a minimum length of 8 characters.

From the CMS interface you can very easily rotate the API tokens used to access the API programmatically, allowing a smooth process to rotate the access keys across projects. The rotation is also possible using the APIs, making the process completely automatic.

Each user can have a specific role attached which allows a very granular configuration on what is visible and editable for each role. The roles can be customised and created by the project admins.

Avoid sharing account information internally by using Organisations to share ownership of accounts, or to enter projects as account owners. We have done our part to prevent any benefit in sharing accounts between multiple people. Minimize any risk by having personal accounts with 2FA enabled.


Our entire infrastructure is highly reliable and easy to reproduce by design. We rely on Heroku's platform-as-a-service which means that we are able to reprovision our entire application in a single deploy.

Our network is globally distributed. We use two layers of caching, helping our servers to serve as little calls as possible, reducing the risk of downtime in case of server issues.

In case of incidents we have a team of developers getting notifications on their mobile phone, so that they can take action as soon as possible. We are alerted in case of high error rate or servers unreachable.

We collect status metrics both on our servers and from third parties making checks from servers spread all across the globe, giving us a good visibility on our CDN current status. We expose a public report on our status page.


DatoCMS's team is made of highly trained professionals that are very careful with their own personal security.

Nevertheless we have the following team policies:

  • 2FA: we access all the services hosting DatoCMS with 2FA-enabled accounts
  • remote access: we minimise the access points to our production environment
  • computer security: we enforce strong passwords for our computers, we encrypt disks, we use password managers to create strong passwords and store them safely.

Our offices are also secured with CCTVs and alarm systems.

Vulnerability disclosure

If you have found a security vulnerability, please get in touch via You can encrypt the message with our PGP key that you can find on our site and on

Latest update: Oct 2, 2024

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