What problems does Structured Content solve?
Customizable structured content CMS
Easily embed 100% custom blocks
Galleries, call-to-actions, polls, third-party embeds and widgets for YouTube, Twitter... these things have always been a problem to handle. Not with DatoCMS structured content: blocks are completely custom, can be moved around, edited and composed in any way you want, and creating them is a matter of seconds.
Linking structured content
Hyper-link and reference entities, not just URLs
When you need to deliver content not only through the web, but on an ever-growing number of different mediums ranging from native apps, voice assistants, e-books, IoT, etc... that's when being able to only create hyperlinks to fixed web addresses starts to get to you. What you need is clear separation between content and presentation.
A portable JSON format, ready for omnichannel
{"schema": "dast","document": {"type": "root","children": [{"type": "heading","level": 1,"children": [{"type": "span","value": "Hello "},{"type": "span","marks": ["strong"],"value": "world!"}]}]}}
Structured Text format adheres to the Unified collective, which offers a big ecosystem of utilities to parse, transform, manipulate, convert and serialize content of any kind. This makes converting from/to Structured Content extremely easy.