“DatoCMS does not force you to speak its language, instead gives you the peace of mind of being able to use the right solution for each project.”

If your content is always fetched from a single geographical location, there’s no point in building apps with Svelte within a serverless architecture, that is why DatoCMS and Svelte are so powerful together.
DatoCMS delivers your content from a CDN with edges all around the globe, minimizing latency and providing the fastest content delivery on the market.
Our Content Delivery API is built with GraphQL. That means powerful developer tools, multiple resources in a single request and complete control over the data your website downloads. The perfect solution for a Svelte.
Read more about our GraphQL API{}
Svelte gives you powerful capabilities and supports data fetching for server-side rendering or SSG. If you're familiar with getStaticProps
from NextJS, you're going to love load
in Svelte.
Bonus point, Svelte pairs wonderfully with our GraphQL API
import { executeQuery } from '@datocms/cda-client';
const query = `{ movie(filter: { title: { eq: "Inception" } }) { releaseDate actors { name } }}`;
export async function load(event) { return executeQuery(query, { includeDrafts: isDraftEnabled(event) });}
<!-- src/routes/+page.svelte --><script> export let data; $: ({ movie } = data)</script>
<main> <h1>{movie.title}</h1> <p>Release Date: {movie.releaseDate}</p> <h2>Actors</h2> <ul> {#each movie.actors as actor} <li>{actor.name}</li> {/each} </ul></main>
Feeling stumped without built-in image optimizations when working in Svelte? Combine it with SvelteKit and pair it with our Images API to enjoy a standard HTML approach as we handle image optimizations, lazy loading, and progression through our capabilities with imgix.
Svelte really feels like going back to completeness 😌 - JS, HTML, and CSS in single files creating bidirectional data binding components. Our component-based approach allows developers to clearly divide work amongst themselves and editors to immediately visualize a wireframe, ultimately providing a scalable and customizable experience.
With a gorgeous DX, friendly ecosystem, and a less-code approach, working with Svelte and DatoCMS is a dream for SEO-friendly component-based projects.
Stack it up with SvelteKit and you've got all the power of file-based routing, partial hydration, SSR, and SSG readily available at your fingertips 💅
npm install @datocms/svelte
“DatoCMS does not force you to speak its language, instead gives you the peace of mind of being able to use the right solution for each project.”
Learn from our best-practice project. Fully configured and deployed on Vercel. Source included.