By creating what we call 'field extensions', plugins can change the way in which the fields of a record are presented to the final editor, going beyond the appearance configurations that DatoCMS offers by default.
There are different types of field extensions that can be created, depending on requirements:
"Field editor" extensions
They operate on top of a particular field, replacing the default field editor that DatoCMS provides with custom code:
The use cases are varied, and many examples are already on our marketplace, ready to be installed on your project:
The Shopify product plugin can be hooked into string fields and completely changes the interface to allow you to browse the products in your Shopify store, then save the ID of the selected product in the string field itself;
The Hidden field plugin simply hides a specific field from the editor's eyes, while the Conditional fields plugin shows/hides a number of fields when you toggle a particular checkbox field.
Field editors as sidebar panels
It is also possible to move editor extensions to the right-hand sidebar, giving it the appearance of a collapsible panel. The difference between this mode and a sidebar panel is that this controls a specific field of the record and can use it as a "storage unit" to save internal information, while a sidebar panel is not associated with any particular field.
As an example, the Sidebar notes plugin uses this mode to turn a JSON field into a kind of notepad where you can add virtual post-it notes.
"Field addon" field extensions
As the name suggests, addons do not change the way a field is edited, but they add functionality, or provide additional information, directly below the field editor. While only one editor can be set up for each field, it is possible to have several addons per field, each providing its own different functionality:
As examples of use, Yandex Translate adds a button below your localisable text/string fields to automatically translate its content from one locale to another, while Sanitize HTML allows you to clean up the HTML code present in a text field according to various preferences.
Two sides of the same coin
Editors and addons are both field extensions, so they have access to exactly the same methods and information. The difference between the two is simply semantics: editors are for editing the field, while addons offer extra functionality.
How to hook field extensions to a field
The SDK provides an overrideFieldExtensions hook that can be implemented to declare the intention to take part in the rendering of any field within the form, either by setting its editor, or by adding some addons, or both.
In this example, we are forcing the use of a custom starRating editor for all integer fields that have an ID of rating:
At this point, we need to actually render the field extensions by implementing the renderFieldExtension hook.
Inside of this hook we can implement a simple "router" that will present a different React component depending on the field extension that we've requested to render inside the iframe.
We also make sure to pass down as a prop the second ctx argument, which provides a series of information and methods for interacting with the main application:
The implementation of the Lorem Ipsum component is pretty straightforward: we simply use the ctx.setFieldValue function to change the value of the field into a randomly generated string:
It is important to wrap the content inside the Canvas component, so that the iframe will continuously auto-adjust its size based on the content we're rendering, and to give our app the look and feel of the DatoCMS web app.
The Star Rating component is quite similar. We get the current field value from ctx.formValues and the disabled state from ctx.disabled. When the user interacts with the component and changes its value, we call ctx.setFieldValue to propagate the change to the main DatoCMS application:
You might have noticed that our plugin is currently hardcoding some choices, namely:
the rules that decide when to apply both our "star rating" and "lorem ipsum" extensions;
the maximum number of stars to show;
the length of the "lorem ipsum" text we're generating;
If we want, we could make these settings configurable by the user, either by implementing some global plugin settings, or by transforming our field extensions into "manual" extensions.
When to use one strategy or the other is completely up to you, and each has its own advantages/disadvanges.
Manual field extensions are, well, manually hooked by the end-user on each field, and for each installation different configuration options can be specified. Given that our star rating extension will most likely be used in a few specific places rather than in all integer fields of the project, manual fields might be the best choice.
On the other hand, our Lorem Ipsum generator may be convenient in all text fields, so requiring the end user to manually install it everywhere would be unnecessarily tedious. In this case, the choice to force the addon on all fields with the overrideFieldExtensions hook is probably the right one.
In the next section we're going to take a much more detailed look at manual field extensions, and we're going to convert our star rating editor into a manual extension.
Reference Table: Field Types & Internal Names
This table lists the internal names of different DatoCMS field types. It is useful for limiting your field extensions only to specific field types. If you're using TypeScript, you can also get this from the type FieldAttributes['field_type']exported from our CMA client.
This section is only relevant if your plugin has useEffects triggered by context changes.
Because plugins live inside an iframe, record updates may sometimes cause the ctx (context) object to be recreated and passed through the iframe again, triggering a React useEffect unexpectedly even if the values appear the same. This is because useEffect compares objects by reference, not value equality. A re-created ctx object with the same values will still cause React to believe it's changed.
For example, if you update some field values in the CMS (outside your plugin), ctx.formValues will update as expected, because those values are different. However, React will also think ctx.fields has changed, even though its values remain the same.
Generally this shouldn't be a problem, but if you specifically need to make sure a useEffect only runs on actual value changes, we recommend a custom hook like useDeepCompareEffect().
overrideFieldExtensions(field: Field, ctx)
Use this function to automatically force one or more field extensions to a
particular field.
Return value
The function must return: FieldExtensionOverride | undefined.
Context object
The following properties and methods are available in the ctx argument:
Hook-specific properties and methods
This hook exposes additional information and operations specific to the context in
which it operates.
Every hook available in the Plugin SDK shares the same minumum set of properties and
Authentication properties
Information about the current user using the CMS.
ctx.currentUser: User | SsoUser | Account | Organization The current DatoCMS user. It can either be the owner or one of the
collaborators (regular or SSO).
The current DatoCMS user. It can either be the owner or one of the
collaborators (regular or SSO).
ctx.currentUserAccessToken: string | undefined The access token to perform API calls on behalf of the current user. Only
available if currentUserAccessToken additional permission is granted.
The access token to perform API calls on behalf of the current user. Only
available if currentUserAccessToken additional permission is granted.
These methods can be used to open custom dialogs/confirmation panels.
ctx.openModal(modal: Modal) => Promise<unknown> Opens a custom modal. Returns a promise resolved with what the modal itself
returns calling the resolve() function.
Opens a custom modal. Returns a promise resolved with what the modal itself
returns calling the resolve() function.
ctx.openConfirm(options: ConfirmOptions) => Promise<unknown> Opens a UI-consistent confirmation dialog. Returns a promise resolved with
the value of the choice made by the user.
Opens a UI-consistent confirmation dialog. Returns a promise resolved with
the value of the choice made by the user.
'Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry',
choices: [
if (result) {
ctx.notice(`Success! ${result}`);
Entity repos properties
These properties provide access to "entity repos", that is, the collection of
resources of a particular type that have been loaded by the CMS up to this
moment. The entity repos are objects, indexed by the ID of the entity itself.
ctx.itemTypes: Partial<Record<string, ItemType>> All the models of the current DatoCMS project, indexed by ID.
All the models of the current DatoCMS project, indexed by ID.
ctx.fields: Partial<Record<string, Field>> All the fields currently loaded for the current DatoCMS project, indexed by
ID. If some fields you need are not present, use the loadItemTypeFields
function to load them.
All the fields currently loaded for the current DatoCMS project, indexed by
ID. If some fields you need are not present, use the loadItemTypeFields
function to load them.
ctx.fieldsets: Partial<Record<string, Fieldset>> All the fieldsets currently loaded for the current DatoCMS project, indexed
by ID. If some fields you need are not present, use the
loadItemTypeFieldsets function to load them.
All the fieldsets currently loaded for the current DatoCMS project, indexed
by ID. If some fields you need are not present, use the
loadItemTypeFieldsets function to load them.
ctx.users: Partial<Record<string, User>> All the regular users currently loaded for the current DatoCMS project,
indexed by ID. It will always contain the current user. If some users you
need are not present, use the loadUsers function to load them.
All the regular users currently loaded for the current DatoCMS project,
indexed by ID. It will always contain the current user. If some users you
need are not present, use the loadUsers function to load them.
ctx.ssoUsers: Partial<Record<string, SsoUser>> All the SSO users currently loaded for the current DatoCMS project, indexed
by ID. It will always contain the current user. If some users you need are
not present, use the loadSsoUsers function to load them.
All the SSO users currently loaded for the current DatoCMS project, indexed
by ID. It will always contain the current user. If some users you need are
not present, use the loadSsoUsers function to load them.
These methods let you open the standard DatoCMS dialogs needed to interact
with records.
ctx.createNewItem(itemTypeId: string) => Promise<Item | null> Opens a dialog for creating a new record. It returns a promise resolved
with the newly created record or null if the user closes the dialog
without creating anything.
Opens a dialog for creating a new record. It returns a promise resolved
with the newly created record or null if the user closes the dialog
without creating anything.
const itemTypeId =prompt('Please insert a model ID:');
const item =await ctx.createNewItem(itemTypeId);
if (item) {
ctx.notice(`Success! ${}`);
ctx.selectItem Opens a dialog for selecting one (or multiple) record(s) from a list of
existing records of type itemTypeId. It returns a promise resolved with
the selected record(s), or null if the user closes the dialog without
choosing any record.
Opens a dialog for selecting one (or multiple) record(s) from a list of
existing records of type itemTypeId. It returns a promise resolved with
the selected record(s), or null if the user closes the dialog without
choosing any record.
ctx.editItem(itemId: string) => Promise<Item | null> Opens a dialog for editing an existing record. It returns a promise
resolved with the edited record, or null if the user closes the dialog
without persisting any change.
Opens a dialog for editing an existing record. It returns a promise
resolved with the edited record, or null if the user closes the dialog
without persisting any change.
const itemId =prompt('Please insert a record ID:');
const item =await ctx.editItem(itemId);
if (item) {
ctx.notice(`Success! ${}`);
Load data methods
These methods can be used to asyncronously load additional information your
plugin needs to work.
ctx.loadItemTypeFields(itemTypeId: string) => Promise<Field[]> Loads all the fields for a specific model (or block). Fields will be
returned and will also be available in the the fields property.
Loads all the fields for a specific model (or block). Fields will be
returned and will also be available in the the fields property.
ctx.loadItemTypeFieldsets(itemTypeId: string) => Promise<Fieldset[]> Loads all the fieldsets for a specific model (or block). Fieldsets will be
returned and will also be available in the the fieldsets property.
Loads all the fieldsets for a specific model (or block). Fieldsets will be
returned and will also be available in the the fieldsets property.
ctx.loadFieldsUsingPlugin() => Promise<Field[]> Loads all the fields in the project that are currently using the plugin for
one of its manual field extensions.
Loads all the fields in the project that are currently using the plugin for
one of its manual field extensions.
These methods can be used to update both plugin parameters and manual field
extensions configuration.
ctx.updatePluginParameters(params: Record<string, unknown>) => Promise<void> Updates the plugin parameters.
Always check ctx.currentRole.meta.final_permissions.can_edit_schema
before calling this, as the user might not have the permission to perform
the operation.
Updates the plugin parameters.
Always check ctx.currentRole.meta.final_permissions.can_edit_schema
before calling this, as the user might not have the permission to perform
the operation.
ctx.updateFieldAppearance(...) Performs changes in the appearance of a field. You can install/remove a
manual field extension, or tweak their parameters. If multiple changes are
passed, they will be applied sequencially.
Always check ctx.currentRole.meta.final_permissions.can_edit_schema
before calling this, as the user might not have the permission to perform
the operation.
Performs changes in the appearance of a field. You can install/remove a
manual field extension, or tweak their parameters. If multiple changes are
passed, they will be applied sequencially.
Always check ctx.currentRole.meta.final_permissions.can_edit_schema
before calling this, as the user might not have the permission to perform
the operation.
ctx.notice(`Successfully edited field ${field.attributes.api_key}`);
Upload dialog methods
These methods let you open the standard DatoCMS dialogs needed to interact
with Media Area assets.
ctx.selectUpload Opens a dialog for selecting one (or multiple) existing asset(s). It
returns a promise resolved with the selected asset(s), or null if the
user closes the dialog without selecting any upload.
Opens a dialog for selecting one (or multiple) existing asset(s). It
returns a promise resolved with the selected asset(s), or null if the
user closes the dialog without selecting any upload.
ctx.editUpload(...) Opens a dialog for editing a Media Area asset. It returns a promise
resolved with:
The updated asset, if the user persists some changes to the asset itself
null, if the user closes the dialog without persisting any change
An asset structure with an additional deleted property set to true, if
the user deletes the asset.
Opens a dialog for editing a Media Area asset. It returns a promise
resolved with:
The updated asset, if the user persists some changes to the asset itself
null, if the user closes the dialog without persisting any change
An asset structure with an additional deleted property set to true, if
the user deletes the asset.
const uploadId =prompt('Please insert an asset ID:');
const item =await ctx.editUpload(uploadId);
if (item) {
ctx.notice(`Success! ${}`);
ctx.editUploadMetadata(...) Opens a dialog for editing a "single asset" field structure. It returns a
promise resolved with the updated structure, or null if the user closes
the dialog without persisting any change.
Opens a dialog for editing a "single asset" field structure. It returns a
promise resolved with the updated structure, or null if the user closes
the dialog without persisting any change.
ctx.parentField: Field | undefined If the field extension is installed in a field of a block, returns the top
level Modular Content/Structured Text field containing the block itself.
If the field extension is installed in a field of a block, returns the top
level Modular Content/Structured Text field containing the block itself.
ctx.block If the field extension is installed in a field of a block, returns the ID
of the block — or undefined if the block is still not persisted — and the
block model.
If the field extension is installed in a field of a block, returns the ID
of the block — or undefined if the block is still not persisted — and the
block model.
These methods can be used to interact with the form that's being shown to the
end-user to edit a record.
ctx.toggleField(path: string, show: boolean) => Promise<void> Hides/shows a specific field in the form. Please be aware that when a field
is hidden, the field editor for that field will be removed from the DOM
itself, including any associated plugins. When it is shown again, its
plugins will be reinitialized.
Hides/shows a specific field in the form. Please be aware that when a field
is hidden, the field editor for that field will be removed from the DOM
itself, including any associated plugins. When it is shown again, its
plugins will be reinitialized.
ctx.scrollToField(path: string, locale?: string) => Promise<void> Smoothly navigates to a specific field in the form. If the field is
localized it will switch language tab and then navigate to the chosen
Smoothly navigates to a specific field in the form. If the field is
localized it will switch language tab and then navigate to the chosen
ctx.formValuesToItem(...) Takes the internal form state, and transforms it into an Item entity
compatible with DatoCMS API.
When skipUnchangedFields, only the fields that changed value will be
If the required nested blocks are still not loaded, this method will return
Takes the internal form state, and transforms it into an Item entity
compatible with DatoCMS API.
When skipUnchangedFields, only the fields that changed value will be
If the required nested blocks are still not loaded, this method will return
Every hook available in the Plugin SDK shares the same minumum set of properties and
Authentication properties
Information about the current user using the CMS.
ctx.currentUser: User | SsoUser | Account | Organization The current DatoCMS user. It can either be the owner or one of the
collaborators (regular or SSO).
The current DatoCMS user. It can either be the owner or one of the
collaborators (regular or SSO).
ctx.currentUserAccessToken: string | undefined The access token to perform API calls on behalf of the current user. Only
available if currentUserAccessToken additional permission is granted.
The access token to perform API calls on behalf of the current user. Only
available if currentUserAccessToken additional permission is granted.
These methods can be used to open custom dialogs/confirmation panels.
ctx.openModal(modal: Modal) => Promise<unknown> Opens a custom modal. Returns a promise resolved with what the modal itself
returns calling the resolve() function.
Opens a custom modal. Returns a promise resolved with what the modal itself
returns calling the resolve() function.
ctx.openConfirm(options: ConfirmOptions) => Promise<unknown> Opens a UI-consistent confirmation dialog. Returns a promise resolved with
the value of the choice made by the user.
Opens a UI-consistent confirmation dialog. Returns a promise resolved with
the value of the choice made by the user.
'Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry',
choices: [
if (result) {
ctx.notice(`Success! ${result}`);
Entity repos properties
These properties provide access to "entity repos", that is, the collection of
resources of a particular type that have been loaded by the CMS up to this
moment. The entity repos are objects, indexed by the ID of the entity itself.
ctx.itemTypes: Partial<Record<string, ItemType>> All the models of the current DatoCMS project, indexed by ID.
All the models of the current DatoCMS project, indexed by ID.
ctx.fields: Partial<Record<string, Field>> All the fields currently loaded for the current DatoCMS project, indexed by
ID. If some fields you need are not present, use the loadItemTypeFields
function to load them.
All the fields currently loaded for the current DatoCMS project, indexed by
ID. If some fields you need are not present, use the loadItemTypeFields
function to load them.
ctx.fieldsets: Partial<Record<string, Fieldset>> All the fieldsets currently loaded for the current DatoCMS project, indexed
by ID. If some fields you need are not present, use the
loadItemTypeFieldsets function to load them.
All the fieldsets currently loaded for the current DatoCMS project, indexed
by ID. If some fields you need are not present, use the
loadItemTypeFieldsets function to load them.
ctx.users: Partial<Record<string, User>> All the regular users currently loaded for the current DatoCMS project,
indexed by ID. It will always contain the current user. If some users you
need are not present, use the loadUsers function to load them.
All the regular users currently loaded for the current DatoCMS project,
indexed by ID. It will always contain the current user. If some users you
need are not present, use the loadUsers function to load them.
ctx.ssoUsers: Partial<Record<string, SsoUser>> All the SSO users currently loaded for the current DatoCMS project, indexed
by ID. It will always contain the current user. If some users you need are
not present, use the loadSsoUsers function to load them.
All the SSO users currently loaded for the current DatoCMS project, indexed
by ID. It will always contain the current user. If some users you need are
not present, use the loadSsoUsers function to load them.
These methods let you open the standard DatoCMS dialogs needed to interact
with records.
ctx.createNewItem(itemTypeId: string) => Promise<Item | null> Opens a dialog for creating a new record. It returns a promise resolved
with the newly created record or null if the user closes the dialog
without creating anything.
Opens a dialog for creating a new record. It returns a promise resolved
with the newly created record or null if the user closes the dialog
without creating anything.
const itemTypeId =prompt('Please insert a model ID:');
const item =await ctx.createNewItem(itemTypeId);
if (item) {
ctx.notice(`Success! ${}`);
ctx.selectItem Opens a dialog for selecting one (or multiple) record(s) from a list of
existing records of type itemTypeId. It returns a promise resolved with
the selected record(s), or null if the user closes the dialog without
choosing any record.
Opens a dialog for selecting one (or multiple) record(s) from a list of
existing records of type itemTypeId. It returns a promise resolved with
the selected record(s), or null if the user closes the dialog without
choosing any record.
ctx.editItem(itemId: string) => Promise<Item | null> Opens a dialog for editing an existing record. It returns a promise
resolved with the edited record, or null if the user closes the dialog
without persisting any change.
Opens a dialog for editing an existing record. It returns a promise
resolved with the edited record, or null if the user closes the dialog
without persisting any change.
const itemId =prompt('Please insert a record ID:');
const item =await ctx.editItem(itemId);
if (item) {
ctx.notice(`Success! ${}`);
Load data methods
These methods can be used to asyncronously load additional information your
plugin needs to work.
ctx.loadItemTypeFields(itemTypeId: string) => Promise<Field[]> Loads all the fields for a specific model (or block). Fields will be
returned and will also be available in the the fields property.
Loads all the fields for a specific model (or block). Fields will be
returned and will also be available in the the fields property.
ctx.loadItemTypeFieldsets(itemTypeId: string) => Promise<Fieldset[]> Loads all the fieldsets for a specific model (or block). Fieldsets will be
returned and will also be available in the the fieldsets property.
Loads all the fieldsets for a specific model (or block). Fieldsets will be
returned and will also be available in the the fieldsets property.
ctx.loadFieldsUsingPlugin() => Promise<Field[]> Loads all the fields in the project that are currently using the plugin for
one of its manual field extensions.
Loads all the fields in the project that are currently using the plugin for
one of its manual field extensions.
A number of methods that you can use to control the size of the plugin frame.
ctx.startAutoResizer() => void Listens for DOM changes and automatically calls setHeight when it detects
a change. If you're using datocms-react-ui package, the ``
component already takes care of calling this method for you.
Listens for DOM changes and automatically calls setHeight when it detects
a change. If you're using datocms-react-ui package, the <Canvas />
component already takes care of calling this method for you.
ctx.updateHeight(newHeight?: number) => void Triggers a change in the size of the iframe. If you don't explicitely pass
a newHeight it will be automatically calculated using the iframe content
at the moment.
Triggers a change in the size of the iframe. If you don't explicitely pass
a newHeight it will be automatically calculated using the iframe content
at the moment.
These methods can be used to update both plugin parameters and manual field
extensions configuration.
ctx.updatePluginParameters(params: Record<string, unknown>) => Promise<void> Updates the plugin parameters.
Always check ctx.currentRole.meta.final_permissions.can_edit_schema
before calling this, as the user might not have the permission to perform
the operation.
Updates the plugin parameters.
Always check ctx.currentRole.meta.final_permissions.can_edit_schema
before calling this, as the user might not have the permission to perform
the operation.
ctx.updateFieldAppearance(...) Performs changes in the appearance of a field. You can install/remove a
manual field extension, or tweak their parameters. If multiple changes are
passed, they will be applied sequencially.
Always check ctx.currentRole.meta.final_permissions.can_edit_schema
before calling this, as the user might not have the permission to perform
the operation.
Performs changes in the appearance of a field. You can install/remove a
manual field extension, or tweak their parameters. If multiple changes are
passed, they will be applied sequencially.
Always check ctx.currentRole.meta.final_permissions.can_edit_schema
before calling this, as the user might not have the permission to perform
the operation.
ctx.notice(`Successfully edited field ${field.attributes.api_key}`);
Upload dialog methods
These methods let you open the standard DatoCMS dialogs needed to interact
with Media Area assets.
ctx.selectUpload Opens a dialog for selecting one (or multiple) existing asset(s). It
returns a promise resolved with the selected asset(s), or null if the
user closes the dialog without selecting any upload.
Opens a dialog for selecting one (or multiple) existing asset(s). It
returns a promise resolved with the selected asset(s), or null if the
user closes the dialog without selecting any upload.
ctx.editUpload(...) Opens a dialog for editing a Media Area asset. It returns a promise
resolved with:
The updated asset, if the user persists some changes to the asset itself
null, if the user closes the dialog without persisting any change
An asset structure with an additional deleted property set to true, if
the user deletes the asset.
Opens a dialog for editing a Media Area asset. It returns a promise
resolved with:
The updated asset, if the user persists some changes to the asset itself
null, if the user closes the dialog without persisting any change
An asset structure with an additional deleted property set to true, if
the user deletes the asset.
const uploadId =prompt('Please insert an asset ID:');
const item =await ctx.editUpload(uploadId);
if (item) {
ctx.notice(`Success! ${}`);
ctx.editUploadMetadata(...) Opens a dialog for editing a "single asset" field structure. It returns a
promise resolved with the updated structure, or null if the user closes
the dialog without persisting any change.
Opens a dialog for editing a "single asset" field structure. It returns a
promise resolved with the updated structure, or null if the user closes
the dialog without persisting any change.