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Plugin SDK > Button


Buttons communicate the action that will occur when the user clicks them. They communicate calls to action to the user and allow users to interact with pages in a variety of ways. They contain a text label to describe the action, and an icon if appropriate.

Available variations:

  • Primary: used for the most important actions in any scenario. Don’t use more than one primary button in a section or screen to avoid overwhelming users

  • Muted: used for a secondary actions, the most commonly used button type

  • Negative: for destructive actions - when something can't be undone. For example, deleting entities

Button types

<Canvas ctx={ctx}>
<div style={{ marginBottom: 'var(--spacing-m)' }}>
<Button buttonType="muted">Submit</Button>{' '}
<Button buttonType="primary">Submit</Button>{' '}
<Button buttonType="negative">Submit</Button>
<Button buttonType="muted" disabled>
</Button>{' '}
<Button buttonType="primary" disabled>
</Button>{' '}
<Button buttonType="negative" disabled>


<Canvas ctx={ctx}>
<Button fullWidth>Submit</Button>


<Canvas ctx={ctx}>
<Button buttonSize="xxs">Submit</Button>{' '}
<Button buttonSize="xs">Submit</Button>{' '}
<Button buttonSize="s">Submit</Button>{' '}
<Button buttonSize="m">Submit</Button>{' '}
<Button buttonSize="l">Submit</Button>{' '}
<Button buttonSize="xl">Submit</Button>{' '}


<Canvas ctx={ctx}>
<div style={{ marginBottom: 'var(--spacing-m)' }}>
<Button leftIcon={<PlusIcon />}>Submit</Button>
<div style={{ marginBottom: 'var(--spacing-m)' }}>
<Button rightIcon={<ChevronDownIcon />}>Options</Button>
<Button leftIcon={<PlusIcon />} />