Workflow CMS

DatoCMS supercharges your content approval workflow

Stop spreading your editorial life-cycle around tens of different products. DatoCMS Workflow feature concentrates all eyes in one place.

Publishing workflow in your CMS

Build your perfectly oiled content machine

Set up a precise state machine to bring a draft content up to the final publication through a series of intermediate, fully customizable approval steps.

Learn more about Workflows

📝 Draft
🕵️ In review
🚨 Changes requested
👌 Approved
🎉 Published
New article

Manage workflows on CMS

Say goodbye to content creation bottlenecks

Larger teams often stumble into disconnected systems, duplicate content, and inefficient workflows. Organizations invest more in content, but their ROI remains lower due to friction, and their content engines stall. DatoCMS Workflows fixes all this.

Acme Inc. - DatoCMS
What Editors can do:

Can create new Articles

Can move new Articles from Draft stage to In review

Can publish Articles in Approved stage

Save settings

CMS approval workflow

Define clear tasks for every team member

Using our improved roles and permissions system, you can specify exactly which team members are in charge of performing the necessary checks and operations on the content so that it can advance to the next step in the approval chain and the team never publishes something by mistake.

Customizable workflow

Different content requires different processes

A system that is too rigid will only drive your team away from using it. With DatoCMS you don't have to follow the same processes for each content, but you can specify different workflows depending on the type of resource.

The most user-friendly CMS

A complete set of smart, modern tools

DatoCMS does not only offer a powerful workflow manager, but a full, coordinated suite of different tools to give you the best editing and development experience. Find out why we are famous for being the most user-friendly CMS:

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