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DatoCMS changelog for new features and general improvements

Fixed "your card's security code is invalid" problem with Mastercards

May 22nd, 2018

Someone said to us that it looks like we don't want their money because we're too focused on polishing and adding features to DatoCMS to think about everyday mortal needs.

It's kinda true if you tried to use a Mastercard in the last days! We just fixed a subtle bug in our Dashboard related to cards with a CVC of 3 digits.

Sorry for the inconvenience, we really want your money!

Content Delivery API

Content Delivery API released in public

May 21st, 2018

The new Content Delivery API, powered by GraphQL, is online at last! You can now use DatoCMS to create public-facing apps of any kind!

  • The old REST API has been renamed Content Management API

  • The new Content Delivery API, which during beta period lived under, has been moved to a separate domain ( This change will enable performance optimizations in the very near future.

Here's the official announcement blog post.

Content Delivery API Content Management API

Status page

May 19th, 2018

We just released a new status page to better communicate downtime and system outages to our customers:

(Yes, it's not in HTTPS.. we're having some problems with Let's Encrypt)


New Dashboard!

May 12th, 2018

We just released a complete redesign of our Account dashboard!

Some of the perks you'll find inside:

  • A completely renewed UI (which we hope you'll like it);

  • A better flow to upgrade plan and change billing information;

  • New project demos (PHP, Rails, Express.JS, React Native);

  • You can now download not only DatoCMS invoices, but also credit notes;

  • If users invited to a DatoCMS project erroneously try to login to the Account dashboard, they will be automatically redirected to their project;

We'll soon release the following much needed changes:

  • Better management of project transfers to a different account (destination accounts will have to manually accept the transfer request);

  • Ability to completely delete your account;

API Clients Content Management API

Released v2 of Content Management API

May 12th, 2018

We silently released v2 of our Content Management API. The major change is how file uploads are now handled:

  • We no longer have an "Image" and "Image gallery" field. Every existing image field has been converted to a "Single file" field, and every "Image gallery" field has been converted into a "Multiple files" field. We made sure to add a format validation so that only images can be uploaded, so everything should work exactly as before.

  • When fetching records from the API that contain single/multiple file fields, you will no longer receive the complete "Upload" payload, but just its ID. You can fetch all the info regarding an Upload using the GET /uploads/:id endpoint.

  • When creating/updating records that contain single/multiple file fields, you no longer have to pass the complete "Upload" payload, but just its ID (or array of IDs, in case it's a "multiple files" field).

  • We released a new version of all of our clients (JS/Ruby/GatsbyJS/Middleman) to reflect this change, while mantaining the old methods signature.

Despite the big change, we tried not to break sites using our old clients. If no X-Api-Version: 2 header is passed, we assume Version 1 of our API is requested, so the GET /items and GET /items/:id endpoints will keep on returning data in the old format.

Important: Content Management API v1 will be sunsetted on September 1st, and so please upgrade your projects dependencies before this date!

Start using DatoCMS today
According to Gartner 89% of companies plan to compete primarily on the basis of customer experience this year. Don't get caught unprepared.
  • No credit card
  • Easy setup
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