
Projects from Our Partners

Check out some of the incredible projects our partners have brought to life.
The Rubinstein Group
One of the biggest names in Australian property gets a glamorous overhaul to match their top-end success.

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Infrafibre Group
Attracting top talent through a strong employer brand.

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Create Property Group
The team at Create expertly navigates the complex field of selling rural and rezoned land on behalf of rural Australians. Create’s firm belief in fairness, transparency, and humanity informed a brand of earthier tones, gentle messaging and quintessentially Australian aesthetics.

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B2C webshop in five countries

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Mette Munk
Recognizable Danish quality and design in a website

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Upgraded e-commerce: A down-to-earth and human-centric digital solution

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Singapore Art Museum, Open Systems
Presented by Singapore Art Museum, Open Systems (OS) is a new initiative exploring the impacts of digital culture on creative expression.

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Cryptonow is a Swiss company and a European market leader in retail crypto products.

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The CargoX Platform for Blockchain Document Transfer (BDT) is a platform that facilitates the electronic tokenisation of trade documents, blockchain-based transfer, and validation of document possession.

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Peninsula Group
Replacing an existing monolithic front end framework with DatoCMS, whilst relooking at the brand, customer experience and commercial value of the platforms used.

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Code Computerlove
The Digital Speaker
Your Strategic Futurist to Unleash Digital Innovation

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In order to support the fast expansion of the biggest entertainment company in Saudi Arabia, we developed a platform that is both high-performing and scalable. Our expertise allowed us to create a component system that is modular, providing the ability to build each page using a set of blocks.

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November Five
Oriente Occidente
The rebranding, the new website, and now the archive: these are the projects that demonstrate the strength of the collaboration between Cantiere Creativo and Oriente Occidente, one of the most renowned dance festivals in Europe

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Cantiere Creativo
NetClean – Bright technology for a brighter future

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Level Nine
Using Dato CMS for

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Bank Grader
Building a brand-new website based on headless architecture

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MD Logica
From WordPress to Dato CMS and Next.js

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Olifant Digital
Website rebuild with Next.js and Dato CMS

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Headstart Dairy
Interactive marketing website development with Dato CMS & Next.js

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InfraTec Relaunch - global B2B Website
InfraTec's site relaunch merges sleek design with DatoCMS-driven functionality, offering global, multilingual access and top-tier SEO and security features.

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Fluid Studio
Company website for Fluid Studio, a full service creative agency specialising in the entertainment sector.

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Webcore Interactive Website
A website devoted to showcasing comprehensively the cutting-edge technology and innovative design of our company.

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Webcore Interactive
Five Pathways Financial
Five Pathways is a team of financial experts who go above and beyond the average financial planner. From the start, the mission for the new brand was to convey this mantra: show that each financial path in life is unique and that Five Pathways is your guide on this path. The route to retirement is not a single road; it is a journey to the place where all roads converge.

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Griflan Design, Inc.
MY WORKSPACE partnered with MBLM to develop a comprehensive digital experience which included redesigning the website and creating an interactive 3D experience to better showcase the office spaces.

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The Horizon 2045 Foresight Radar
interactive tool for exploring pivotal issues and drivers of change shaping human and planetary security. It features a unique collection of over 500 signals of change and three divergent scenarios of the world in 2045.

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Strategic Foresight of Ukraine
160 signals, trends, events and issues that have the potential to shape the future of Ukraine and the world.

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Analysing technology impact on sustainable development for GIZ

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New Pictures
New Pictures produces bold, original and entertaining television drama for the UK and international market. Luke Tongue & Two Create Studio have created a brand identity alongside a digital presence covering both a new website & social content direction.

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Luke Tongue
Mogg Property
Every home has a unique narrative and character. Mogg Real Estate unlocks its story to tell.

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Taylor Peden and Jen Munk-vold Director / Photo Team based in NY.

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Luke Tongue
Oh Wow
Oh Wow showcases a hand-picked collection of Australia’s most wonderful wedding locations. Thoughtfully crafted as a resource to discover and coordinate a truly bespoke wedding celebration.

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Elliott Systems
Multilingual information site for a Europe-wide agricultural alliance.

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Red Cross Asylum
Information portal that aims to share accurate and up-to-date information about the services and rights of asylum seekers, or those services that are available, their accessibility and limitations.

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Konstnärscentrum is an artist-run organization dedicated to strengthening and promoting the role of the professional artist in Sweden.

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Konst & Teknik Stockholm
A flexible CMS implementation for Ir Olav's Globetrotters
Ir Olav's Globetrotters is an international recruitment company. They had a lack of flexibility with their old CMS system, therefore we launched a brand new platform on DatoCMS which gives them the ability to maintain their website for customers in the Netherlands and their second website for candidates in South Africa.

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Funlab is Australasia’s largest fun company provider, with eight brands and over 40 locations across Australia and New Zealand.

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Merkle Australia