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Intro to the SEO Fields

4m 07s

SEO fields are another extremely important field type in DatoCMS. It's worth noting that not all Headless CMS would offer an SEO field, since many have no control and/or context into the actual web-facing aspects of the project you're building.

However, since we offer our own SEO packages for developers to easily query for all the OG and metadata from your content, we're able to make things simpler for you.

On the SEO side, aside from any plugins (there's a few fun ones like the SEO readability analysis), DatoCMS offers a slug and a SEO and Social field.

The slug is a nifty text field that automatically generates slugs for your pages and posts, usually inheriting values from another field like a text field for the title. This comes with specific validations to only accept slug formatting (i.e. no spaces etc.) and to be unique.

The SEO and Social field, however, is a little more of a familiar zone for many of you coming from Web CMS. It's where you can manually override your OG tags like og:title, og:description, and og:image, as well as get your social sharing previews for popular platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn. Well, Google SERPs, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Slack, Whatsapp, and Telegram, to be more specific.

This is also the field where you can set the option for editors to choose whether or not they want to add in a _noindex tag to the content they're working on, discouraging SERPs from indexing those pages when you generate new sitemaps.

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