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Released React DatoCMS Image component v4
November 11th, 2022

Basically, with react-datocms v4.0.0 your responsiveImage() GraphQL queries can be reduced down to:

responsiveImage(imgixParams: { auto: format }) {
src width height alt base64
  • You can avoid requesting srcSet in the responsiveImage GraphQL query, as if it's missing, the React <Image /> component knows how to build it from src.

  • You can avoid requesting webpSrcSet as well, because the { auto: format } Imgix transformation parameter offers even more performant optimizations (AVIF), without increasing the GraphQL response size.

  • You can avoid requesting sizes, and just use the sizes prop on the Image component itself.

Overall, these changes can reduce the overall GraphQL response size significantly, especially when dealing with many images at once.

New props for Image component:

  • priority: When true, the image will be considered high priority. Lazy loading is automatically disabled, and fetchpriority="high" is added to the image.

    You should use the priority property on any image detected as the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) element. It may be appropriate to have multiple priority images, as different images may be the LCP element for different viewport sizes. Should only be used when the image is visible above the fold.

  • sizes: If you're using this prop, you can avoid requesting sizes in the responsiveImage query.

  • srcSetCandidates: If you're not requesting srcSet in the responsiveImage query, srcSetCandidates will be used to generate the different srcset candidate strings at various widths. Default candidates are: [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4].