Projects showcase

Root Houseplants

Root Houseplants are a contemporary houseplant shop stocking happy and healthy houseplants, delivered to your door.

Project shots
Root Plants for Business Page
Root Large Plants Page
Backend shots
Dato Root Page
Dato Root Product Collection Page
About the project

The Challenge

Root’s Wix site was slow with a fully loaded time over 16 seconds causing issues for customers. As Root grew, moving into a new larger warehouse and opening their second physical store, they knew they needed a new website that could grow with them and offer more ecommerce functionality than Wix provided.

The Solution

We decided to build the new ecommerce site using Gatsby in order to benefit from the speed and performance Gatsby could give along with the ecommerce functionality Shopify could provide via its API. Due to Shopify’s poor content management ability, DatoCMS was selected to provide better content management tools in order to build out more engaging pages for Root’s commercial offering and their blog.

Made by
We specialise in designing and building headless websites with the Jamstack - we build fast and scalable websites for modern growing brands!
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