A platform for starters and advanced users to learn, play and work with quantum algorithms.
We needed a way for students, researchers and other quantum geeks to communicate with quantum computers. And so Quantum Inspire is born. quantum-inspire.com is a platform for starters and advanced users to learn, play and work with quantum algorithms.
At the heart of Quantum Inspire is the quantum code editor. In the editor users can interactively write and run their quantum algorithms:
The key ingredients we used to make the seemingly intimidating quantum computing accessible are
a quantum code (QASM) editor with syntax highlighting, syntax validation and inline hints
a chart visualising your code as you type, with colours and symbols connected to the code
anonymous usage: so you can fiddle around even before creating an account
interactive docs alongside the editor to copy-paste code snippets directly in the editor
run code on a quantum or super computer and view results
user guides: from getting started to writing algorithms and advanced (SDK) usage