Projects showcase


How Trout transformed Fortiline's online presence

Project shots
Fully-editable proof points section
A mixture of hard-coded and dynamic content
Branch Finder page
Backend shots
Editing a Section, a wrapper for other components
Defining a Section's model
Editing the Home Page's blocks
Editing another dynamic page
About the project

Fortiline came to Trout Creative Thinking with a site that needed some attention to reflect both new business changes and their commitment to quality.

Working closely in an Agency Agile approach, Trout performed a full redesign and rebuild of the site, focusing on engaging components, ease of use and maintainability, and giving the Fortiline team flexibility in developing further pages.

Dato's tree-like collections combined with NextJS' static-site generation allowed us to provide a seamless content editing experience without sacrificing page-load speeds or overwhelming editors with functionality.

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Content Migration
Content Modeling
DatoCMS Implementation
Marketing sites