Projects showcase


Brainsave offers a comprehensive suite of services for capturing, preserving, and interacting
with personal memories and experiences.

Project shots
Interactive hero section of the live site.
Interactive introduction, powered by WebGL and Greensock's GSAP animation library
Page aimed at investors, with a contact form powered by Typeform
Interactive & draggable timeline made in WebGL
Another way of browsing memories through the Brainsave app, illustrated by a animated section bound to scroll
Backend shots
Overview of the home page content model.
Example of customisation of the back-end
Example of the Global data model, organised by accordions and categories for clarity
Example of a page builder with a few module options to be able to create dynamic pages with infinite flexibility
Overview of global data, used throughout the website, or on a specific set of pages.
About the project

The brief was simple: create a landing page with a WOW effect to introduce Brainsave to the world, and this is exactly we were able to do with Griflan.

Built with Nuxt, and supported by DatoCMS, performances and scalability are very important factors to Brainsave. The site features heavy use of Greensock's GSAP animation engine, wether it be scroll-bound animations, or interactive modules in WebGL.

This project was awarded FWA of the Day & Website Of The Day on CSSDA.

· Griflan (art direction, web design & illustrations)
· Vincent Weyh (3D modelling & WebGL)
· Thomas Aufresne (back-end, front-end & motion)

Made by
Independent creative developer specialised in interaction, user-experience and motion.
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Content Modeling
DatoCMS Implementation
Marketing sites
Performance Optimization
Custom webhook