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The I-Muse Project

The I-Muse project is a collaboration between the University of Turin and the Polytechnic of Turin, with the support of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, as part of the first edition of the "Artificial Intelligence" call for proposals.

Made by Synesthesia
Project shots
Backend shots
About the project

The mobile app, developed by Synesthesia, aims to revolutionize the visitor experience at eight of Turin's most important museums:

  • Reggia di Venaria Reale

  • Egyptian Museum - Turin

  • Palazzo Madama

  • GAM - Civic Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art

  • MAO - Museum of Oriental Art

  • National Cinema Museum

  • National Automobile Museum

  • Giovanni and Marella Agnelli Picture Gallery

Key points:

  • The I-Muse project is a mobile app that uses artificial intelligence to enhance the visitor experience at eight museums in Turin.

  • The app was developed by Synesthesia with the support of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.

  • The app offers a variety of features, including:

    • Interactive maps and navigation

    • Information about the museums and their collections

    • Audio and video guides

    • Games and quizzes

    • Personalized recommendations

Additional information:

  • The I-Muse app is available for free on iOS and Android devices.

  • The app is available in Italian and English.

I-Muse is a mobile app that uses artificial intelligence to enhance the visitor experience at eight museums in Turin, Italy.

Key features:

  • Personalized itineraries: The app uses AI to create personalized itineraries for visitors based on their interests.

  • Interactive maps and navigation: The app provides interactive maps and navigation to help visitors find their way around the museums.

  • Information about the museums and their collections: The app provides information about the museums and their collections, including audio and video guides.

  • Real-time updates: Museums can update information about the app in real time.

  • Gaming: The app includes a gaming feature that allows visitors to play games with the museum collections.

Technical details:

  • Front end and back end: The front end and back end of the app were developed by Synesthesia.

  • Artificial intelligence: The AI engine, CoreAI, was developed by the University of Turin and the Polytechnic of Turin.

  • Content management system: The app uses DatoCMS to manage its content.

  • Cloud and serverless technologies: The app is based on cloud and serverless technologies (AWS).

  • Sensors: The app uses sensors and iBeacons to collect data on visitor behavior.


  • Enhanced visitor experience: I-Muse provides a more personalized and engaging experience for visitors.

  • Improved museum operations: Museums can use the data collected by I-Muse to improve their operations.

Overall, I-Muse is a promising new app that has the potential to revolutionize the way people visit museums.

Additional notes:

  • The app is available in Italian and English.

  • The app is free to download and use.

  • For more information, please visit the I-Muse project website:

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