We brought together seven companies and products under one brand. dobby is now the name for both an app for co-owners, tenants, and landlords, as well as a management platform for syndics and property managers, and a purchasing hub for various services related to building management. But more importantly, it is the name of a company with a bold ambition: to drive the digital transformation of an entire sector.
The focus of the website is not on promotion or sales, but on activating users. In a very accessible ‘show & tell’ manner, we introduce people to the useful features of both the app and the professional management platforms.
A smart filter helps visitors quickly find answers to their questions. Indicate who you are and what you’re looking for, and you’ll be directed to the right information instantly.
The website has three objectives. It demonstrates why dobby is ‘good for business,’ highlights what users can do with dobby, and provides a learning module that teaches them how to make the most of its many features.