Projects showcase


For UNVEIL's new portfolio, we had to figure out how to combine complex frontend rendering techniques with DatoCMS.

Project shots
Project page
Index page
Backend shots
Project page
Thumbnail setup
About the project

For UNVEIL's new portfolio, we had to figure out how to combine complex frontend rendering techniques with DatoCMS. They designed an interactive website featuring a 3D element on the homepage, allowing users to glimpse all the projects Unveil is working on. To enhance performance, we used DatoCMS's advanced image query to efficiently render their images in 3D. We also set up project, studio, and contact pages so they could fill in all other important details. We used Svelte combined with Three.js, GSAP, and DatoCMS for this project.

Made by
Arvin Leeuwis creates animations, websites, and motion graphics for various purposes using creative coding. He specializes in transforming concepts and brand identities into immersive digital interactions.
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Marketing sites
Performance Optimization
DatoCMS Implementation