The DatoCMS Blog

Ever Onward - Our New 3-Month Roadmap

Posted on May 9th, 2019 by Matteo Giaccone

Since the beginning of 2019, the team behind DatoCMS has grown in size and skillset. We had to take a few months to let everyone feel at home, so we focused on stabilizing the product, optimizing the performance of our APIs and iron out some details.

Last Friday we had an eight-hour-long meeting with all of our team to talk about the things we would like to work on and lay down a product roadmap for the next three months, leading to the summer break.

Service improvements

We hear more and more about the need for custom plans and requests for trialing the paid features of DatoCMS are piling up. So we decided to implement a more granular approach to our paid features, letting everyone mix-and-match on top of the existing plans. For example, you'll be able to add as many locales or as many users as you need on top of your current plan.

Also, for whatever paid plan you decide to use, you'll be able to try it for free for two weeks.


To improve the support that we are already providing, while keeping the team as small as possible, we will try a new community-based approach. We are setting up a forum where we'll be heavily involved, with the hope of creating a better searchable database of questions, something a bit more reusable that our current Slack channels. We'll keep Slack up and running, but we'll encourage everyone to ask questions over there.

Alongside that, we'll maintain our effort in improving the documentation pages, and we'll provide more integration examples.

Sharing knowledge

Building JAMStack-based projects is still something relatively new and mostly unknown to the broader web developer audience. We are on a quest of sharing what we know and meanwhile hopefully learn something ourselves.

To do that, we'll write more entry-level blog posts and experiment with some screencasts. We are going to talk about it in detail in the next months, so bear with us!

New features, at last!

Of course, we are going to work on new features!

More and more teams are using DatoCMS, and they need the tools to collaborate more efficiently. For this reason, we are going to improve the user experience when multiple editors are working on the same content. We're thinking about a presence indicator and a locking mechanism, but we're still exploring our options, and we will share more details as soon as we can.

The media area is also something that needs some love. We are planning new tools to organize the assets better and to offer even more powerful options to the editors. We'll improve the Imgix integration so that you'll be able to image edit directly inside the CMS and pass the parameters to the frontend.

Also, we've been pressed more and more to have a visual composer. Something that will allow editors to have a 1-to-1 mapping between the CMS fields and the frontend. With a proper composer, you can better map the frontend to the data and quickly view the updated content more interactively.

To better keep track of our progresses in the next few months, you can follow us on our public product roadmap on Github.

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