Love 'em or hate 'em, exit intents are everywhere. This model lets editors create simple exit-intents to use as marketing promotions as required. This model uses the Conditional Fields plugin for the button, which will be installed in your project when importing this recipe.
The model is broken into 3 fieldsets for editors to have a clear understanding of what they're building.
Editors have the option of setting a solid colour or an image as the background for the pop up.
Depending on how you configure the frontend, we'd recommend favouring the image over the color for the cases where both are provided by an editor.
Here editors have the option to establish the title and description of the pop up.
The description is utilizing the Structured Text field, giving editors the option to provide rich formatting within the content as well.
The Button is a Modular Content field using the Button block for editors to establish the destination of the pop up.
This uses the Conditional Fields plugin for editors to decide between an internal or external destination.
Editors will see a simple form to set the content for the fields provided.
In this model we've chosen not to have relations to landing pages, though you can extend this model to support that. The reason being, it's quite common for exit-intents to trigger once on a homepage, before cookies ensure it's not shown again. To avoid anything too opinionated we've left out the conditions for how or where this would be related to other models.