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Sidebar Record Copy Environment

Allow copy a record to another environment.

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Sidebar Record Copy Environment

Allow copy a record to another environment.


Requires a configuration in the plugin:

  • CurrentUserAccessToken permissions.
  • Load environments.
  • Add models (comma delimited).


  • The record to be copied must have the same field structure and model in the another environment.
  • The plugin only supports copying the values ​​of all basic fields types, 'link' and 'file' types.
  • The plugin does not copy values ​​from these fields types: gallery, multiple, rich_text, structured_text
  • For the 'link' field type, the linked record must have a field with the unique constraint and also exist in the another environment.
  • For field type 'file', the file will be created in the other environment when it doesn't exist


  • Create the record in the another environment in case it dows not exits for the 'link' field type.
  • Support all fields types.
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