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Hide field from role

This plugin prevent certain roles to see a field

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Hide field from role DatoCMS plugin

If you need to prevent editors or any other role from seeing a field in the DatoCMS UI, this is the perfect plugin.

You can install it on any field type and you will just need to specify which roles you want to hide the field from.

WARNING The SDK's toggleField method will trigger as soon as the iframe has loaded, so the field will briefly flash before a "visibility: hidden" is applied.


In the global variables settings insert a full access API token (required) and an optional list of default roles that won't see any field with the plugin installed - names or IDs separated by commas.

When applying this plugin to your field, please insert the roles names or IDs separated by commas.

The hide field rule for the field will be applied to the default roles - if any - and the field specific roles.

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