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Full Preview Links

A simple plugin that displays full preview links in the sidebar

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Datocms Plugin Full Preview Links

A simple plugin that displays full preview links in the sidebar


When applying this plugin to your field, please insert the following settings:

Plugin settings

  1. URL prefix of your site is required.
  2. Develop URL prefix of your test develop site is optional.
  3. Alias for Model, which will be used instead of Model ID is optional.

The full preview links are created from [URL prefix][locale][Model ID][slug] and look like <https://sitename.netlify.com/en/advice/first-advice>


The result of plugin working appears in the sidebar:

Preview links in the sidebar

  1. Clicking on "Link on prod"/"Link on test server" opens these links in new tabs.
  2. Clicking on the button shows/hides the full preview link (e.g. for copying or checking).
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