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General concepts > The content schema

The content schema

DatoCMS can be seen as an editor-friendly interface on top of a database, so the first step is to build the actual schema upon which users will generate the website content.


The way you define the kind of content you can edit inside each different administrative area involves the concept of models, which are like database tables.

Each administrative area can specify a number of different models, and they represent blueprints upon which users will store the website content.

For example, a website project can define different models for articles, products, categories, and so on.


Each model consists of a set of fields that you define (strings, numbers, uploads, videos, relationships between objects). Each field has a name and additional metadata, such as validations or particular configurations to better present the field to the editor.

Fields in DatoCMS can also be localized if you need to accept different values based on language.


DatoCMS stores the individual pieces of content you create from a model as records, which are like table rows in a database.