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General concepts > Audit Logs

Audit Logs

The Audit Logs functionality is for monitoring audit events happening in an Enterprise project and ensure continued compliance, safeguarding against any inappropriate system access, and allowing you to audit suspicious behavior within your enterprise.

The idea is to give Enterprise organization owners the ability to query user actions in a project. With Audit Logs, you can:

  • Automatically feed DatoCMS access data into a SIEM or other auditing tool

  • Proactively monitor for potential security issues

  • Write custom apps to gain insight into how your organization uses DatoCMS

An audit log provides insight into audit events that are actually happening across a DatoCMS project, and is therefore read-only and immutable.

You can filter for specific actions or actors to see who made changes on specific resources in the app using a very powerful SQL-like language. Actors can include both logged-in users as well as access tokens.

You can either browse and filter audit log events via the interface or through API calls, and the retention window is fully customizable. By default, Audit Logs have a Time-to-Live (TTL) of two months from the date of writing. However, it is possible to customize the TTL for individual projects. To make such customizations, please contact our support team, and we will be happy to assist you.

If you're interested in trying out Audit Logs for your projects, contact our Sales team to set up a free trial.