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Content Management API > Schema Menu Item

Create a new schema menu item

Body parameters

id string Optional

RFC 4122 UUID of schema menu item expressed in URL-safe base64 format

Example: "uinr2zfqQLeCo_1O0-ao-Q"
label null, string Required

The label of the schema menu item (only present when the schema menu item is not linked to an item type)

Example: "Posts"
kind enum Required

Indicates if the schema menu item refers to an item type or a modular block

Example: "item_type"
item_type Optional
modular_block Optional
position integer Optional

Ordering index

Example: 1
item_type Optional

Item type associated with the menu item

parent Optional

Parent schema menu item


Returns a resource object of type schema_menu_item


import { buildClient } from "@datocms/cma-client-node";
async function run() {
const client = buildClient({ apiToken: process.env.DATOCMS_API_TOKEN });
const schemaMenuItem = await client.schemaMenuItems.create({
label: "Posts",
kind: "item_type",
// Check the 'Returned output' tab for the result ☝️
id: "uinr2zfqQLeCo_1O0-ao-Q",
label: "Posts",
position: 1,
kind: "item_type",
item_type: { type: "item_type", id: "DxMaW10UQiCmZcuuA-IkkA" },
parent: null,
children: [{ type: "schema_menu_item", id: "uinr2zfqQLeCo_1O0-ao-Q" }],