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Upload track

If the asset linked to an Upload entity is a video file, you have the option to include additional audio tracks and subtitle tracks to it.

Object payload

id  string
ID of the upload track
type  string
Must be exactly "upload_track"
type  enum  Example: "subtitles"

The type of track (audio or subtitles)

name  string  Example: "Italiano"

The human-readable name of the track

language_code  string  Example: "it-IT"

A valid BCP 47 specification compliant language code

closed_captions  null, boolean

Indicates if the track provides subtitles for the Deaf or Hard-of-hearing (SDH)

status  enum  Example: "ready"

The status of the asset

error  null, string

When status is errored, explains the reason for the error

upload{ type: "upload", id: }

The upload containing the track

Available endpoints