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Content Management API > Role

List all roles


Returns an array of resource objects of type role


import { buildClient } from "@datocms/cma-client-node";
async function run() {
const client = buildClient({ apiToken: process.env.DATOCMS_API_TOKEN });
const roles = await client.roles.list();
for (const role of roles) {
// Check the 'Returned output' tab for the result ☝️
id: "34",
name: "Editor",
can_edit_site: true,
can_edit_favicon: true,
can_edit_schema: true,
can_manage_menu: true,
can_manage_users: true,
can_manage_shared_filters: true,
can_manage_upload_collections: true,
can_manage_environments: true,
can_manage_webhooks: true,
environments_access: "primary_only",
can_manage_sso: true,
can_access_audit_log: true,
can_manage_workflows: true,
can_edit_environment: true,
can_promote_environments: true,
can_manage_build_triggers: true,
can_manage_access_tokens: true,
can_perform_site_search: true,
can_access_build_events_log: true,
positive_item_type_permissions: [{ environment: "main", action: "all" }],
negative_item_type_permissions: [{ environment: "main", action: "all" }],
positive_upload_permissions: [{ action: "all", environment: "main" }],
negative_upload_permissions: [{ action: "all", environment: "main" }],
positive_build_trigger_permissions: [{}],
negative_build_trigger_permissions: [{}],
meta: {
final_permissions: {
can_edit_site: true,
can_edit_favicon: true,
can_edit_schema: true,
can_manage_menu: true,
can_manage_users: true,
can_manage_environments: true,
can_manage_webhooks: true,
environments_access: "primary_only",
can_manage_sso: true,
can_access_audit_log: true,
can_manage_workflows: true,
can_edit_environment: true,
can_promote_environments: true,
can_manage_shared_filters: true,
can_manage_build_triggers: true,
can_manage_upload_collections: true,
can_manage_access_tokens: true,
can_perform_site_search: true,
can_access_build_events_log: true,
positive_item_type_permissions: [{ environment: "main", action: "all" }],
negative_item_type_permissions: [{ environment: "main", action: "all" }],
positive_upload_permissions: [{ action: "all", environment: "main" }],
negative_upload_permissions: [{ action: "all", environment: "main" }],
positive_build_trigger_permissions: [{}],
negative_build_trigger_permissions: [{}],
inherits_permissions_from: [{ type: "role", id: "34" }],