Sorry, no results found for "".
Returns a resource object of type field
import { buildClient } from "@datocms/cma-client-node";
async function run() { const client = buildClient({ apiToken: process.env.DATOCMS_API_TOKEN });
const fieldIdOrApiKey = "blog_post::title";
const field = await client.fields.find(fieldIdOrApiKey);
// Check the 'Returned output' tab for the result ☝️ console.log(field);}
{ id: "Pkg-oztERp6o-Rj76nYKJg", label: "Title", field_type: "string", api_key: "title", localized: true, validators: { required: {} }, position: 1, hint: "This field will be used as post title", default_value: { en: "A default value", it: "Un valore di default" }, appearance: { editor: "single_line", parameters: { heading: false }, addons: [{ id: "1234", field_extension: "lorem_ipsum", parameters: {} }], }, deep_filtering_enabled: true, item_type: { type: "item_type", id: "DxMaW10UQiCmZcuuA-IkkA" }, fieldset: null,}