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Fork an existing environment

Query parameters

immediate_return  Optional  boolean  Example: true

Whether the call should immediately return a pending environment, or wait for the completion of the fork

fast  Optional  boolean  Example: true

Performing a fast fork reduces processing time, but it also prevents writing to the source environment during the process

force  Optional  boolean  Example: true

Force the start of fast fork, even if there are collaborators editing some records

Body Parameters

id  string  Required
The ID of the forked environment


Returns a environment resource object.


Example Basic example
import { buildClient } from '@datocms/cma-client-node';
async function run() {
const client = buildClient({ apiToken: '<YOUR_API_TOKEN>' });
const environmentId = 'main';
const environment = await client.environments.fork(environmentId, {
id: 'my-sandbox-env'