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Pagination allows you to efficiently retrieve large sets of records by breaking them into manageable chunks. This helps optimize performance and reduce data transfer.
Control the number of elements returned in a single query using the first
Default limit: 20 records
Maximum limit: 500 records
The following query returns the first 5 artist records:
{ allArtists(first: 5) { id name }}
Use the skip
parameter to offset your results, allowing you to implement pagination across multiple requests:
{ allArtists(first: 5, skip: 10) { id name }}
This query skips the first 10 records and then returns the next 5.
If you request more records than exist, the query will return all available records. When the number of records is less than the requested amount, you'll receive the maximum available records.
To determine the total number of records and implement client-side pagination, use the _XXXMeta
query { allArtists(filter: { name: { in: [ "Blank Banshee", "Gazelle Twin" ] }}) { id name genre } _allArtistsMeta(filter: { name: { in: [ "Blank Banshee", "Gazelle Twin" ] }}) { count }}
Make sure to apply the same filters to both your regular query and the meta query; otherwise, the result count will be different!
It is possible to automate the retrieval of a number of records that surpasses the 500-record limit without the need for manually handling the pagination logic by utilizing our GraphQL client @datocms/cda-client
import { executeQueryWithAutoPagination } from "@datocms/cda-client";
const { allQuotes } = await executeQueryWithAutoPagination(` query { # notice that we're fetching 5,000 records here! allArtists(first: 5000) { name } }`, { ... });
You can find all the details in the documentation for the executeQueryWithAutoPagination