Sorry, no results found for "".
You can supply different parameters to the filter
argument to filter the query response accordingly:
query { allUploads(filter: { type: { eq: image } }) { url copyright exifInfo }}
If you specify multiple conditions, they will be combined as if it was a logical AND
query { allUploads(filter: { type: { eq: image }, resolution: { eq: large }}) { blurUpThumb url(imgixParams: { w: 100, h: 100, fit: crop }) }}
You can also combine AND
and OR
logical expressions. For example, the following query will return all large images together with any video tagged with "fun":
query { allUploads( filter: { OR: [ { type: { eq: image }, resolution: { eq: large }}, { type: { eq: video }, tags: { contains: "fun" }} ] } ) { blurUpThumb url(imgixParams: {w: 100, h: 100, fit: crop}) }}
Search for uploads with an exact match
query { allProducts( filter: { _createdAt: { eq: "2018-02-13T14:30:00+00:00" } } ) { title }}
Exclude uploads with an exact match
query { allProducts( filter: { _createdAt: { neq: "2018-02-13T14:30:00+00:00" } } ) { title }}
Filter uploads with a value that's less than the one specified
query { allProducts( filter: { _createdAt: { lt: "2018-02-13T14:30:00+00:00" } } ) { title }}
Filter uploads with a value that's less or equal than the one specified
query { allProducts( filter: { _createdAt: { lte: "2018-02-13T14:30:00+00:00" } } ) { title }}
Filter uploads with a value that's strictly greater than the one specified
query { allProducts( filter: { _createdAt: { gt: "2018-02-13T14:30:00+00:00" } } ) { title }}
Filter uploads with a value that's greater than or equal to the one specified
query { allProducts( filter: { _createdAt: { gte: "2018-02-13T14:30:00+00:00" } } ) { title }}
Search for uploads with an exact match
query { allProducts( filter: { _updatedAt: { eq: "2018-02-13T14:30:00+00:00" } } ) { title }}
Exclude uploads with an exact match
query { allProducts( filter: { _updatedAt: { neq: "2018-02-13T14:30:00+00:00" } } ) { title }}
Filter uploads with a value that's less than the one specified
query { allProducts( filter: { _updatedAt: { lt: "2018-02-13T14:30:00+00:00" } } ) { title }}
Filter uploads with a value that's less or equal than the one specified
query { allProducts( filter: { _updatedAt: { lte: "2018-02-13T14:30:00+00:00" } } ) { title }}
Filter uploads with a value that's strictly greater than the one specified
query { allProducts( filter: { _updatedAt: { gt: "2018-02-13T14:30:00+00:00" } } ) { title }}
Filter uploads with a value that's greater than or equal to the one specified
query { allProducts( filter: { _updatedAt: { gte: "2018-02-13T14:30:00+00:00" } } ) { title }}
Filter uploads based on a regular expression
query { allProducts( filter: { altField: { matches: { pattern: "bi(cycl|k)e", caseSensitive: false } } } ) { title }}
Exclude uploads based on a regular expression
query { allProducts( filter: { altField: { notMatches: { pattern: "bi(cycl|k)e", caseSensitive: false } } } ) { title }}
Search the uploads with the specified alt
query { allProducts(filter: { altField: { eq: "bike" } }) { title }}
Exclude the uploads with the specified alt
query { allProducts(filter: { altField: { neq: "bike" } }) { title }}
Search uploads with the specified values as default alt
query { allProducts(filter: { altField: { in: ["bike"] } }) { title }}
Search uploads that do not have the specified values as default alt
query { allProducts(filter: { altField: { notIn: ["bike"] } }) { title }}
Filter uploads with the specified field defined (i.e. with any value) or not
query { allProducts(filter: { altField: { exists: true } }) { title }}
Filter uploads based on a regular expression
query { allProducts( filter: { authorField: { matches: { pattern: "bi(cycl|k)e", caseSensitive: false } } } ) { title }}
Exclude uploads based on a regular expression
query { allProducts( filter: { authorField: { notMatches: { pattern: "bi(cycl|k)e", caseSensitive: false } } } ) { title }}
Filter uploads with the specified field defined (i.e. with any value) or not
query { allProducts(filter: { authorField: { exists: true } }) { title }}
Filter uploads based on a regular expression
query { allProducts( filter: { basenameField: { matches: { pattern: "bi(cycl|k)e", caseSensitive: false } } } ) { title }}
Exclude uploads based on a regular expression
query { allProducts( filter: { basenameField: { notMatches: { pattern: "bi(cycl|k)e", caseSensitive: false } } } ) { title }}
Filter uploads that have the specified colors
query { allProducts(filter: { colorsField: { contains: red } }) { title }}
Filter uploads that have all of the specified colors
query { allProducts(filter: { colorsField: { allIn: [red] } }) { title }}
Filter uploads that have at least one of the specified colors
query { allProducts(filter: { colorsField: { anyIn: [red] } }) { title }}
Filter uploads that do not have any of the specified colors
query { allProducts(filter: { colorsField: { notIn: [red] } }) { title }}
Search for uploads with an exact match
query { allProducts(filter: { colorsField: { eq: [red] } }) { title }}
Filter uploads based on a regular expression
query { allProducts( filter: { copyrightField: { matches: { pattern: "bi(cycl|k)e", caseSensitive: false } } } ) { title }}
Exclude uploads based on a regular expression
query { allProducts( filter: { copyrightField: { notMatches: { pattern: "bi(cycl|k)e", caseSensitive: false } } } ) { title }}
Filter records with the specified field defined (i.e. with any value) or not
query { allProducts(filter: { copyrightField: { exists: true } }) { title }}
Filter uploads based on a regular expression
query { allProducts( filter: { filenameField: { matches: { pattern: "bi(cycl|k)e", caseSensitive: false } } } ) { title }}
Exclude uploads based on a regular expression
query { allProducts( filter: { filenameField: { notMatches: { pattern: "bi(cycl|k)e", caseSensitive: false } } } ) { title }}
Search the asset with the specified format
query { allProducts(filter: { formatField: { eq: "bike" } }) { title }}
Exclude the asset with the specified format
query { allProducts(filter: { formatField: { neq: "bike" } }) { title }}
Search assets with the specified formats
query { allProducts(filter: { formatField: { in: ["bike"] } }) { title }}
Search assets that do not have the specified formats
query { allProducts(filter: { formatField: { notIn: ["bike"] } }) { title }}
Search all assets larger than the specified height
query { allProducts(filter: { heightField: { gt: 3 } }) { title }}
Search all assets smaller than the specified height
query { allProducts(filter: { heightField: { lt: 3 } }) { title }}
Search all assets larger or equal to the specified height
query { allProducts(filter: { heightField: { gte: 3 } }) { title }}
Search all assets larger or equal to the specified height
query { allProducts(filter: { heightField: { lte: 3 } }) { title }}
Search assets with the specified height
query { allProducts(filter: { heightField: { eq: 3 } }) { title }}
Search assets that do not have the specified height
query { allProducts(filter: { heightField: { neq: 3 } }) { title }}
Search the asset with the specified ID
query { allProducts(filter: { id: { eq: "123" } }) { title }}
Exclude the asset with the specified ID
query { allProducts(filter: { id: { neq: "123" } }) { title }}
Search assets with the specified IDs
query { allProducts(filter: { id: { in: ["123"] } }) { title }}
Search assets that do not have the specified IDs
query { allProducts(filter: { id: { notIn: ["123"] } }) { title }}
Search uploads that are currently used by some record or not
query { allProducts(filter: { inUseField: { eq: true } }) { title }}
Search the asset with the specified MD5
query { allProducts(filter: { md5Field: { eq: "bike" } }) { title }}
Exclude the asset with the specified MD5
query { allProducts(filter: { md5Field: { neq: "bike" } }) { title }}
Search assets with the specified MD5s
query { allProducts(filter: { md5Field: { in: ["bike"] } }) { title }}
Search assets that do not have the specified MD5s
query { allProducts(filter: { md5Field: { notIn: ["bike"] } }) { title }}
Filter uploads based on a regular expression
query { allProducts( filter: { mimeTypeField: { matches: { pattern: "bi(cycl|k)e", caseSensitive: false } } } ) { title }}
Exclude uploads based on a regular expression
query { allProducts( filter: { mimeTypeField: { notMatches: { pattern: "bi(cycl|k)e", caseSensitive: false } } } ) { title }}
Search the asset with the specified mime type
query { allProducts(filter: { mimeTypeField: { eq: "bike" } }) { title }}
Exclude the asset with the specified mime type
query { allProducts(filter: { mimeTypeField: { neq: "bike" } }) { title }}
Search assets with the specified mime types
query { allProducts(filter: { mimeTypeField: { in: ["bike"] } }) { title }}
Search assets that do not have the specified mime types
query { allProducts(filter: { mimeTypeField: { notIn: ["bike"] } }) { title }}
Filter uploads based on a regular expression
query { allProducts( filter: { notesField: { matches: { pattern: "bi(cycl|k)e", caseSensitive: false } } } ) { title }}
Exclude uploads based on a regular expression
query { allProducts( filter: { notesField: { notMatches: { pattern: "bi(cycl|k)e", caseSensitive: false } } } ) { title }}
Filter records with the specified field defined (i.e. with any value) or not
query { allProducts(filter: { notesField: { exists: true } }) { title }}
Search uploads with the specified orientation
query { allProducts(filter: { orientationField: { eq: landscape } }) { title }}
Exclude uploads with the specified orientation
query { allProducts(filter: { orientationField: { neq: landscape } }) { title }}
Search uploads with the specified resolution
query { allProducts(filter: { resolutionField: { eq: icon } }) { title }}
Exclude uploads with the specified resolution
query { allProducts(filter: { resolutionField: { neq: icon } }) { title }}
Search uploads with the specified resolutions
query { allProducts(filter: { resolutionField: { in: [icon] } }) { title }}
Search uploads without the specified resolutions
query { allProducts(filter: { resolutionField: { notIn: [icon] } }) { title }}
Search all assets larger than the specified size (in bytes)
query { allProducts(filter: { sizeField: { gt: 3 } }) { title }}
Search all assets smaller than the specified size (in bytes)
query { allProducts(filter: { sizeField: { lt: 3 } }) { title }}
Search all assets larger or equal to the specified size (in bytes)
query { allProducts(filter: { sizeField: { gte: 3 } }) { title }}
Search all assets larger or equal to the specified size (in bytes)
query { allProducts(filter: { sizeField: { lte: 3 } }) { title }}
Search assets with the specified size (in bytes)
query { allProducts(filter: { sizeField: { eq: 3 } }) { title }}
Search assets that do not have the specified size (in bytes)
query { allProducts(filter: { sizeField: { neq: 3 } }) { title }}
Filter uploads linked to the specified tag
query { allProducts(filter: { smartTagsField: { contains: "bike" } }) { title }}
Filter uploads linked to all of the specified tags
query { allProducts(filter: { smartTagsField: { allIn: ["bike"] } }) { title }}
Filter uploads linked to at least one of the specified tags
query { allProducts(filter: { smartTagsField: { anyIn: ["bike"] } }) { title }}
Filter uploads not linked to any of the specified tags
query { allProducts(filter: { smartTagsField: { notIn: ["bike"] } }) { title }}
Search for uploads with an exact match
query { allProducts(filter: { smartTagsField: { eq: ["bike"] } }) { title }}
Filter uploads linked to the specified tag
query { allProducts(filter: { tagsField: { contains: "bike" } }) { title }}
Filter uploads linked to all of the specified tags
query { allProducts(filter: { tagsField: { allIn: ["bike"] } }) { title }}
Filter uploads linked to at least one of the specified tags
query { allProducts(filter: { tagsField: { anyIn: ["bike"] } }) { title }}
Filter uploads not linked to any of the specified tags
query { allProducts(filter: { tagsField: { notIn: ["bike"] } }) { title }}
Search for uploads with an exact match
query { allProducts(filter: { tagsField: { eq: ["bike"] } }) { title }}
Filter uploads based on a regular expression
query { allProducts( filter: { titleField: { matches: { pattern: "bi(cycl|k)e", caseSensitive: false } } } ) { title }}
Exclude uploads based on a regular expression
query { allProducts( filter: { titleField: { notMatches: { pattern: "bi(cycl|k)e", caseSensitive: false } } } ) { title }}
Search the asset with the specified title
query { allProducts(filter: { titleField: { eq: "bike" } }) { title }}
Exclude the asset with the specified title
query { allProducts(filter: { titleField: { neq: "bike" } }) { title }}
Search assets with the specified as default title
query { allProducts(filter: { titleField: { in: ["bike"] } }) { title }}
Search assets that do not have the specified as default title
query { allProducts(filter: { titleField: { notIn: ["bike"] } }) { title }}
Filter assets with the specified field defined (i.e. with any value) or not
query { allProducts(filter: { titleField: { exists: true } }) { title }}
Search uploads with the specified type
query { allProducts(filter: { typeField: { eq: image } }) { title }}
Exclude uploads with the specified type
query { allProducts(filter: { typeField: { neq: image } }) { title }}
Search uploads with the specified types
query { allProducts(filter: { typeField: { in: [image] } }) { title }}
Search uploads without the specified types
query { allProducts(filter: { typeField: { notIn: [image] } }) { title }}
Search all assets larger than the specified width
query { allProducts(filter: { widthField: { gt: 3 } }) { title }}
Search all assets smaller than the specified width
query { allProducts(filter: { widthField: { lt: 3 } }) { title }}
Search all assets larger or equal to the specified width
query { allProducts(filter: { widthField: { gte: 3 } }) { title }}
Search all assets larger or equal to the specified width
query { allProducts(filter: { widthField: { lte: 3 } }) { title }}
Search assets with the specified width
query { allProducts(filter: { widthField: { eq: 3 } }) { title }}
Search assets that do not have the specified width
query { allProducts(filter: { widthField: { neq: 3 } }) { title }}