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Once you're part of the program, a new "Agency Profile" link is available in your dashboard. By clicking on it, you will enter a special DatoCMS project where you'll be able to manage your agency profile and case studies.
Please be aware that we may feature your quotes, profile, or projects on our social media channels, newsletter, or for promotional purposes.
The process of submitting the profile and case studies for review will be guided by contextual help:
Throughout your stay in the partner program, you can keep your profile up-to-date, and edit or add new case studies at any time. In fact, you are strongly advised to do so! Any changes you make to the content post-publication, will require an explicit approval step by our team, so that we can verify the appropriateness of the changes made.
From the moment you save your record for the first time, you can get a glimpse of the final outcome of your pages. In the right-hand menu of the record page, there's a link to preview the draft version or you can even have a full responsive preview from the Sidebar Panel. You can easily edit, save, and view the results in real-time.
Due to security concerns, we cannot allow you to publish any content on our website without a review from our team. That's why we utilize Workflows to enable editing and requesting reviews.
When you're satisfied with your content, change the status from Edit to Request a Review from DatoCMS. Our team will be notified, and you'll receive a notification when your content goes live.
Please note that we never alter your content. If anything appears to be non-compliant or suspicious, we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
On your profile page, there's a dedicated section for adding quotes. If you choose to share your thoughts, they will be instantly published on our customers' page.