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Agency Partner Program > Clients and Agency mandates

Clients and Agency mandates

As a DatoCMS Agency Partner, you can connect your organization with your clients' organizations by sending them an "agency mandate" request. A mandate represents a voluntary link between two organizations, that of your agency and the client's, which allows the agency to carry out certain operations on behalf of the client.

What do I get by adding a new client?

Agency mandates unlock special plans and discounts on your client's organization, and allows your staff to enter all your client's projects with full privileges, without using any additional collaborator seat!

Adding a new client

Once your agency is part of our program, a new Clients section will be available from your organization's dashboard. From there, you will be able to add new clients in two different ways.

Case 1: The client does not have a DatoCMS organization yet

If the client does not yet have an organization, you can create one for them to simplify their onboarding process:

The procedure will create a new organization for the client, of which you will be the owner. An agency mandate will also be automatically created for the new organization.

Delegate your responsibilities by inviting the client!

We recommend that you also invite the client to the organization, so that after the client assumes control of the new organization, you can step back and let them take over. Even if you leave your client organization, you and your entire team will still have full access to the client's projects through your own agency organization.

Case 2: The client already has their own DatoCMS organization

In this case, you can associate your agency organization with the one that the client already owns by sending the client a mandate request.

Only organizations can become clients!

If the client is managing projects from a personal account, they need to convert it into an organization first. It only takes a couple of clicks.

The procedure is straightforward, but you need to know the client's organization ID:

You should request the organization's ID directly from your client, who can locate it in the Settings area of their organization.

As soon as you request an agency mandate, the owners of your client's organization will get an email alert about it. They can approve the request by clicking the link in the email, or by going to the Settings area of their organization:

You will be immediately notified by e-mail of the acceptance or decline of the request.

Revoking the mandate

At any time both parties — your agency or the client — can revoke the agency mandate. If this happens, the agency will no longer be able to access the client's projects, and any special discount/plan enabled on the client organization by the agency will no longer be available.