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This section is for legacy plugins, which have been deprecated. For the current version of the Plugin SDK, please visit the Plugin SDK documentation.
There is no need to start from scratch building a plugin, the Yeoman generator will generate all the boilerplate code you need based on your configuration.
To generate a new plugin, create the folder that will contain the skeleton of our plugin and, once inside the folder, run:
npx -p yo -p generator-datocms-plugin -c 'yo datocms-plugin'
The generator will prompt the following configuration questions:
Please insert the NPM package name for this new plugin (it must start with datocms-plugin-)
Please insert a human name for this plugin
Please insert a small description
What kind of plugin is it? - Choose between three options, field editor, field add-on, sidebar widget.
Which kind of fields is this plugin compatible with? - The available field types are: JSON, text, boolean, float, integer, string, multiple links, single link, date, date-time, video, color, SEO, geolocation.
Please insert any configuration parameters this plugin requires - The generator will open your default editor for you to edit the configuration parameters.
Please select the preferred template - Options are Vanilla Javascript and React.
Watch the example video to see the generator running.
Read the tutorial on how to build a custom plugin using the generator.
To add a plugin to a project, once inside the plugin's folder, run:
yarn addToProject
The generator will prompt you to pick the project on which you want to install the plugin and it will set everything up for you.
If you're not the project owner, you can launch this command instead, and the plugin will be installed in the project with the specified API token:
yo datocms-plugin:add-to-project <YOUR-PROJECT-READWRITE-API-TOKEN>
If you are re-installing a plugin, remember to manually uninstall first.