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Content modelling > Slugs and permalinks

Slugs and permalinks

In DatoCMS, you can add a special field type called "Slug" to your models to let your editors specify the URL permalink of a record.

A slug field is linked to another single-line string field of the same model, usually the title. As soon as the editor begins to type the title, the slug field will be filled with an URL-friendly version of the same string:

The nice thing about slug fields is that, if the editor subsequently updates the record's title, the slug won't change, preserving all the SEO benefits.

How to add a slug field to a model

Say you have a "Blog post" model; start by adding a "Title" field, then you can add an automatically-generating Slug field (you can find it under the SEO group) by selecting the Title field as its reference, under the Validations tab.