Content Management API > Field Update a field
Body parameters
Default value for Field. When field is localized accepts an object of default values with site locales as keys
boolean , null , string , number , object
Example: { en: "A default value", it: "Un valore di default" }
Whether the field needs to be multilanguage or not
Optional field validations
Example: { required: {} }
Field appearance details, plugin configuration and field add-ons
Example: {
editor: "single_line",
parameters: { heading: false },
addons: [{ id: "1234", field_extension: "lorem_ipsum", parameters: {} }],
Show object format A valid editor can be a DatoCMS default field editor type (ie. "single_line"
), or a plugin ID offering a custom field editor
The editor plugin's parameters
An array of add-on plugins with id and parameters
Show objects format inside array The ID of a plugin offering a field addon
The specific field extension to use for the field (only if the editor is a modern plugin)
The specific field extension to use for the field (only if the editor is a modern plugin)
Example: "This field will be used as post title"
Whether deep filtering for block models is enabled in GraphQL or not
Show deprecated Field appearance
This field contains a typo and will be removed in future versions: use appearance
Show object format
a Job ID. You can then poll for the
completion of the job
that will eventually return
a resource object of type field
Examples Example Step 1: Perform the request HTTP Request PUT HTTP / 1.1
Authorization : Bearer YOUR-API-TOKEN
Content-Type : application/vnd.api+json
" id " : "Pkg-oztERp6o-Rj76nYKJg" ,
CURL Request curl -g '' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-API-TOKEN" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
--data-binary '{"data":{"type":"field","id":"Pkg-oztERp6o-Rj76nYKJg","attributes":{}}}'
fetch() Request await fetch ( "" , {
Authorization : "Bearer YOUR-API-TOKEN" ,
Accept : "application/json" ,
"Content-Type" : "application/vnd.api+json" ,
data : { type : "field" , id : "Pkg-oztERp6o-Rj76nYKJg" , attributes : {} },
HTTP Response Content-Type : application/json
Cache-Control : cache-control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
X-RateLimit-Remaining : 28
Example Step 2: Poll to get the result of the async job To get the asynchronous job result, poll the job result endpoint . While the task is in progress, the endpoint returns a 404
status code. When the job completes, the status changes to 200 OK
HTTP Request GET HTTP / 1.1
Authorization : Bearer YOUR-API-TOKEN
CURL Request curl -g '' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-API-TOKEN" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
fetch() Request await fetch ( "" , {
Authorization : "Bearer YOUR-API-TOKEN" ,
Accept : "application/json" ,
HTTP Response Content-Type : application/json
Cache-Control : cache-control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
X-RateLimit-Remaining : 28
" id " : "Pkg-oztERp6o-Rj76nYKJg" ,
" hint " : "This field will be used as post title" ,
" it " : "Un valore di default"
" field_extension " : "lorem_ipsum" ,
" deep_filtering_enabled " : true
" id " : "DxMaW10UQiCmZcuuA-IkkA"