Projects showcase


A headless content website for an environmental superstar.

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Project shots
Cool Safe
Cool Safe
Cool Safe
Cool Safe
Backend shots
Available content blocks for the home page
About the project

It's not everyday you get paid to help with climate change, but that's the very fortunate position we found ourselves in when the Recovery Trust approached us to help create a new brand and website for the next stage of their journey.

Recovery Trust exist to stop the harm caused to the planet by refrigerants with an awesome track record reaching back to the ozone crises and the banning of CFCs in the 80s and 90s.

Today their focus has shifted to climate change and multi-year plan to completely eliminate climate harm from refrigerant gases. We created Cool-Safe as a new vehicle to tell the story of what they are doing and why people should care.

The website is full of content that Dato allows them to manage effortlessly. With a large range of content blocks they can build compelling stories to help sell the mission, including the full interactive on the home page.

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Thoughtful apps and digital experiences crafted in Christchurch, New Zealand.
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Content Modeling
Marketing sites
DatoCMS Implementation