Projects showcase

Theorie Toppers

Taking Theorie Toppers e-learning platform to the next level.

Project shots
Preview of the e-learning platform
Backend shots
Overview of the Theorie Toppers pages
Course material collection
About the project

Established in 2016, Theorie Toppers addresses the issues of preparing for car and motorcycle theory exams by providing a platform of videos and support where students can practice exam-oriented questions on their computers, tablet, or smartphone. Theorie Toppers were facing growing competition and struggling with the design of their standard Shopify platform - it limited the quality of their service and specific types of questions. Generous was asked to design a tailor-made product from scratch, add new functionalities, and consider accessibility.

To approach the assignment, we created a headless BigCommerce enterprise store, which optimizes the flow of the platform, speeds up the checkout process, and improves conversation rates. The new website also provides more information about the products and the company, while the CMS allows the creation of custom landing pages per advertising campaign.

Whereas the previous website was designed as a regular store, focused on orders and not e-learning, our new solution improved, simplified, and sped up the checkout process, allowing the user to focus on the courses. Similarly, multiple paths were established to the checkout in order to improve conversions and overall user experience. The e-learning platform itself was improved too - the log-in now leads to a clear overview of which courses the user has already completed and which ones need to be continued.

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