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In three years, a 700% increase in revenue

Made by CODE14
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We created a digital landscape 2.0 for Povag
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Povag DatoCMS
About the project

A few years ago, we came into contact with the founders of Povag, a supplier and manufacturer of business furnishings, in the broadest sense of the word. From Povag's digital first strategy, we developed the current webshop with a product configurator. Due to the incredibly rapid growth over those three years, mainly stemming from online sales, the needs changed, and we started working together on developing a digital landscape 2.0.

For that digital landscape 2.0, we created a custom PIM system, configurator, and webshop. For the content on the webshop, we use DatoCMS. We chose DatoCMS because it's headless, easy to use, scalable, and allows Povag to build desired pages themselves through a simple block structure.

Since the site has been built statically, we've also implemented a feature that allows employees of Povag to use the preview endpoints of DatoCMS. Using this toggle allows them to easily see the pages they create in the webshop before actually publishing them to their customers.

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New school business developers and technology partner of companies that want to grow and accelerate.
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Systems Integration
Multichannel & DX
DatoCMS Implementation
Marketing sites
Technology Solution Consulting